Ken Shigley shared a blog post on his website last week about case expense funding, and we were so honored to have been mentioned. Ken Shigley is the immediate past President of the Georgia State Bar. Mr. Shigley is one of 18 Georgia lawyers who have earned double board certification in Civil Trial Advocacy and Civil Pretrial Advocacy from The National Board of Legal Specialty Certification and he is the lead author of Georgia Law of Torts: Trial Preparation & Practice (West, 2010-12). In the American Association for Justice, he is currently secretary of the Motor Vehicle, Highway & Premises Liability Section and a board member of the Trucking Litigation Section. His experience and knowledge of personal injury cases makes him an exceptional attorney and a great Advocate Capital client. Mr. Shigley kindly shared the blog post about his thoughts on case expense funding and we would like to share it with you. Thanks Ken!
“…Therefore, in order to free up capital and increase capacity to do what needs to be done to develop serious personal injury and wrongful death cases, I maintain a litigation line of credit with Advocate Capital, which funds most of our case expenses. When cases are settled, the expenses are reimbursed to us out of the recovery. I then pay off the portion of the line of credit allocated to that case, and pass along as a case expense the nominal amount of interest incurred on those expenses. The transaction is a straight pass-through with full transparency and no markups. Because we and Advocate track every expense by case number, that is a very simple bookkeeping exercise….”
To read the rest of Mr. Shigley’s blog click here
Tina Burns
Vice President