Testimonials: California
Advocate allows our small personal injury firm to play on a level field with the large insurance companies and their big defense firms that can, and will, spend great amounts of money trying to upend our clients' legitimate injury claims
With Advocate financing behind our cases, we can concentrate on putting forth the necessary presentation of evidence that helps the jury decide cases in our clients' favor.
The pandemic has significantly altered the legal landscape in the field of personal injury law.
Driving has decreased considerably while the court system has become backlogged, with cases being set for trial 2-years from the date of filing. This has led to fewer new clients and tremendously frustrated those with existing cases. Aware of these factors, the insurance industry has exponentially increased their standardized practice of delay, stall, hinder, then low-ball banking on the attrition of Plaintiffs and their lawyers. Advocate Capital is a guardian in our most challenging time and has permitted us to continue to fight, without fear of expense, for just and fair results for our clients.
Advocate Capital has provided confidence and support, which allowed this firm to thrive during the darkest days of the pandemic. We are honored to collaborate with such an exceptional entity and look forward to many more years of success.
Advocate Capital is a great asset to have in your law office management toolbox.
As a small law firm, we are better able to focus on what the case needs to maximize its value, without spending so much time managing case budgets and cost tracking amongst the various cases. The people at Advocate Capital are also great to work with and provide helpful suggestions concerning case cost management and financing. I do not hesitate to suggest Advocate Capital to any other plaintiff’s law firm.
I first learned about Advocate Capital about five years ago through a well-respected plaintiff’s firm in the San Francisco Bay Area.
While at the time my young firm did not yet qualify for their services, the Advocate Capital team was very encouraging, checking in with me every few months, answering my questions, and generally being a great resource.
When my firm finally qualified just over a year ago, we immediately invested the recaptured revenues into marketing and growing our team. We saw results immediately. By the end of 2019, my firm’s revenues had grown 87.4% over 2018.
My firm was recognized by Law Firm 500 as the 22nd fastest growing law firm in the United States and the 4th fastest growing law firm in California. Advocate Capital has been the fuel powering this growth. And even with the challenges 2020 has presented, we expect to continue our growth trajectory.
To say I am grateful to Advocate Capital for their support is an understatement. Any plaintiff’s firm would be crazy not to take advantage of the services this company offers.
Advocate Capital has helped our practice grow and accept new business in ways that I never imagined.
The flexibility of Advocate’s finance programs makes it easy for us to say
yes to new clients and matters. They have been an excellent partner in our success.
Working with Advocate Capital has greatly helped our firm out with respect to managing our litigation costs, cash flow and finances.
They provide all the accounting you need to simplify bookkeeping. Accessing information and funds in AdvoTrac® is a breeze, and the staff is always there and helpful when you need them.
Advocate Capital, Inc. is great!
Easy to use, great customer service, and overall good people who want to help our firms grow. Using this service has been a game changer for my cash flow and ability to take on new contingency cases.
Our firm has been a customer with Advocate Capital since 2004.
We rely upon Advocate to provide timely case expense financing for some of our key cases. We value and appreciate our collaboration with Advocate Capital.
Advocate Capital has been very easy to work with and very professional.
Our firm has been working with Advocate Capital for over a year. We are extremely pleased with how they have been able to help our firm. Advocate Capital has been very easy to work with and very professional. We consider this a long term relationship.
The strength of the company makes Advocate Capital an excellent partner to achieve long-term business goals.
Advocate Capital has been a vital partner to our firm and we appreciate the level of service they provide. Our experience with Advocate Capital is always positive as they have our firm’s best interest in mind and understand the nature of our firm’s business cycle. This knowledge and understanding is what sets them apart from their competition, in addition, to the excellent management of Advocate Capital internally. The strength of the company makes Advocate Capital an excellent partner to achieve long-term business goals and has allowed us to grow a business relationship we hope to continue for many more years to come.
In the difficult business climate we find ourselves in, it is a relief to know there is a company that one can turn to assist in funding the endeavors of my firm. A majority of lending institutions are reducing access to vital business capital, with the exception of Advocate Capital. They extended our credit line to allow us to have our best year on record.
We are one of Advocate Capital's longest clients. It made sense to us almost 20 years ago and it makes good sense now. They have been like a partner for us, and I can't imagine why a personal injury firm would not use them. What they do helps us get better results for our clients by eliminating the agony in so many financial decisions. Thank you for your continued support.
We consider them to be a key part of our success formula.
As a customer of Advocate Capital, Inc., my partners and I have the peace of mind of knowing that we have an experienced financial partner that is dedicated to helping us serve our clients. We consider them to be a key part of our success formula.
Advocate Capital has provided my law firm the required capital to stand up and fight for justice everyday!
Advocate Capital has provided my law firm the required capital to stand up and fight for justice everyday!
Advocate Capital has helped us achieve the highest possible recovery for our clients.
Advocate Capital has helped us achieve the highest possible recovery for our clients. They have helped alleviate the financial pressures of the case so that we can focus on the litigation and on obtaining the highest possible settlement or verdict. Advocate Capital has made the funding request simple, flexible and always responds quickly to our needs.
The people at Advocate get it.
In the catastrophic personal injury and wrongful death cases that our firm handles, you have to spend money to make money. Litigation has become increasingly expensive, and we are often litigating against defendants whose resources dwarf ours. Success often requires hiring the best experts in the country, and they don’t come cheap.
The last thing we need to be worrying about during the midst of trial is how we’re going to afford to pay for the experts and other expenses that are necessary in these types of cases. That’s where Advocate Capital comes in. They provide us with the financial wherewithal to take on any defendant, in any type of case, in any forum. We could not do what we do without them.
On top of that, their staff is incredibly friendly, helpful and accommodating. Working with them has been a pleasure. Unlike banks with whom we have dealt in the past in order to finance our cases, the people at Advocate get it. They understand that we are not a typical business with typical cash flow, receivables, etc. and that we require financing that meets our unique needs. They also understand and appreciate the importance of what plaintiff’s lawyers around the country do to achieve justice for people and promote the safety of products, workplaces, etc. The people at Advocate have become a critical part of our litigation team.
Advocate Capital has been instrumental in the growth of our personal injury law practice.
Advocate Capital has been instrumental in the growth of our personal injury law practice. Instead of fronting tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars in one particular case, we are now able to use that money to fund other cases and not have to worry about retaining the proper (expensive) experts, and paying for a critical demonstrative or animation for a jury trial. I highly recommend Advocate Capital.
The single best decision I’ve made in 30 years of practice.
Advocate Capital – The single best decision I’ve made in 30 years of practice.
The online interface makes funding cases a fast and simple task.
Utilizing Advocate Capital has given us the leverage and freedom to fully litigate and work up our cases, without tying up and overburdening our working capital. The online interface makes funding cases a fast and simple task. I would highly recommend Advocate Capital’s services to any firm who works on cases on a contingency basis.
Advocate Capital has exceeded our expectations.
Advocate Capital has exceeded our expectations, not just in terms of quick and reliable case funding, but overall customer service. In only a few months as a client, my firm has benefited from improved cash flow and a much easier ability to track expenses to individual clients, as compared to other case financing methods. We look forward to a long relationship.
Advocate Capital provides resources to firms and counsel that help level the field.
Advocate Capital provides resources to firms and counsel that help level the field. AC is the result of highly committed professionals, that respond quickly, right when you need it.
Working with Advocate Capital could not be easier.
I have been a very happy client of Advocate Capital for 10 years. With the financial support Advocate Capital provides, my office can go toe to toe with the most well-heeled defendants and insurance carriers. This allows me to focus on results and not worry about financing for a very good case. Working with Advocate Capital could not be easier and my clients have never had a problem with having the interest expense of financing their case costs passed on to them.
The attention you get feels as though you are #1.
Advocate Capital has improved our financial operations associated with funding cases. It is a pleasure working with everyone at Advocate Capital. The attention you get feels as though you are #1. They have been great to work with and I would highly recommend them to anyone who advances case costs.
Advocate Capital has provided excellent services to my firm and its clients since 2010.
Advocate Capital has provided excellent services to my firm and its clients since 2010. What makes them special is that they, in stark contrast to your average bank, understand what we do and have products and customer service that are designed to fulfill our actual needs.
Flexible and reasonable.
Good people to work with, who really understand plaintiff’s practice, problems and issues. Flexible and reasonable; we hope to have a long and mutually productive relationship. Thanks!
They are extraordinarily organized, timely, and easy to work with.
Advocate Capital has been indispensable to the success of our practice. They are extraordinarily organized, timely, and easy to work with. They make advancing costs on personal injury cases an afterthought instead of a constant worry. I have since had other businesses attempt to finance our firm, and none could offer me the immediate and easy internet access, service and painless accounting that they do, and at better rates! I highly, highly recommend trying them. Once you do, you’ll save so much time and effort that you’ll never look back.
They have shown a solid understanding of the legal business often not found in other lending facilities.
We have worked with Advocate Capital for the past several years, finding them to be a reliable and beneficial resource for our firm. They have shown a solid understanding of the legal business often not found in other lending facilities. Because of Advocate we are able to fund our caseload at a level that allows for maximum recoveries on behalf of our clients. We appreciate their easy to access service, the dedication they have shown to our firm, and the great people on their staff. We highly recommend Advocate Capital.
Thanks to Advocate Capital we can go toe to toe with the defense without the worry of increasing litigation costs.
Case funding with Advocate Capital has been one of the best decisions our firm has made. It has allowed us to give the best possible representation to our clients by granting us the financial freedom to hire the finest experts. No longer are we concerned about how to finance a case to oppose the large defense firms with deep pockets. Thanks to Advocate Capital we can go toe to toe with the defense without the worry of increasing litigation costs. Aside from the benefit to our cases, Advocate Capital has been exceptionally easy to work with, always ready to answer any questions and make case funding as simple as possible.
I just want you to know that you guys have made a big difference.
I just want you to know that you guys have made a big difference by choosing to support me three years ago. It meant a lot to me. While I was a partner in other firms I thought, If I ran things, I would do it this way, but I always worried about whether I could support a business of my own. During the application process with Advocate Capital, the simple act of putting together the fees that I had generated over the years made me see what I generated over the past few years, and how much I would need to carry in order to operate my own firm. The application process alone gave me more confidence and now I’m doing three to four times that much! I will always appreciate Advocate for that.
We have developed a great partnership with Advocate Capital.
From top-notch customer service to lightning-quick funding, Advocate Capital is vital to our firm's success. They are very easy to work with and are always just a phone call away. We are very happy with their services so far and highly recommend them to any other plaintiff firms that are looking for litigation funding.