Testimonials: New Hampshire
The Advocate Capital expense line allowed me to work up my complex cases the right way.
I acquired my law practice less than a year ago from the retiring owner. I had to pay a 1/3rd referral fee on the full case inventory I inherited. Giving up 1/3rd across the board in my first year of business was a difficult proposition. The Advocate Capital working line provided me with the flexibility to hire a new staff, manage cash flow, and invest in a robust marketing campaign which allowed me to bridge the gap to the following year where I have a fresh case inventory. The Advocate Capital expense line also allowed me to work up my complex cases the right way. I’m not hesitant to invest in expensive experts who are going to bring tremendous value to my case in the long run. Moreover, what is so unique about Advocate Capital, is that they break down each client expense advance per case. No bank lender is willing to do that.