Testimonials: Virginia
We have been using the services of Advocate Capital for approximately ten years and have found them to be extremely attentive to our needs.
Frequently, we have been required to pay expert witness fees in the thousands of dollars. It would have taxed our operating capital considerably if we had to cover that cost with our own funds. The service rendered by them has been prompt, and I am satisfied the cost is reasonable. They have enabled us to handle cases without concern for the expenses we might incur.
Everything is always done right and on time.
For the almost sixteen years, this firm has been around we have procured services of all types: banking, accounting, consulting and any number of other functions. Frankly, the service we have received largely has been problematic with one huge exception: Advocate Capital. They are great. Everything is always done right and on time. I hope that the service we provide to our clients comes close to the service we get from Advocate Capital.
Advocate Capital has been great to work with.
In our practice, we incur thousands of dollars in case-related expenses and expert witness fees each month. By utilizing Advocate Capital, we have been able to ensure that we can fund higher case costs and retain the best expert witnesses in their respective fields. Their financial backing over the past several years has allowed the firm to grow and free up necessary firm operating expenses. I would highly recommend Advocate Capital.