Today we welcome Advocate Capital, Inc. friend and client Eberstein & Witherite as a guest blogger.
1800 CAR WRECK recently teamed up with Houston’s popular R&B radio station Majic 102.1 for an annual event designed to help make trick-or-treating a safe and fun Halloween experience for kids. The law firm of Eberstein Witherite was on hand to pass...
Archives for Community Service
Ken Shigley – Part 4 - Community Involvement
Click on the video to watch part four of Mr. Swanson’s recent interview with Ken Shigley, former President of The Georgia State Bar, as he talks about community involvement. Mr. Shigley is currently practicing in Atlanta, Georgia.
Sloan Firm Sponsored “Heads in Helmets” Event
Advocate Capital, Inc. would like to send a big shout out to Sloan, Bagley, Hatcher & Perry Law Firm on their recent sponsorship of the Heads in Helmets event in Longview, Texas on June 1. The event included distribution and custom fitting of free children’s safety helmets as well as instruction and safety tips for parents.
The “Heads in Helmets” org...