Mark Smith and Client Victorious After 30+ Years of Litigation
Congratulations to Mark W. Smith, his team and his client on this tremendous jury verdict and ultimate settlement. This long and storied case began with a murder in 1980 for which Mr. Smith’s client, Gerald Burge, was investigated, convicted and eventually exonerated. Mr. Burge was convicted of the murder in 1986. Years later it was discovered that the l...
Claude Wyle – Part Two – Motorcycle and Bicycle Litigation Expert
Click on the video to watch part two of Mr. Swanson’s recent interview with Claude Wyle of Choulos, Choulos & Wyle, LLP of San Francisco, California.
Ken Shigley Discusses Case Expense Funding
Ken Shigley shared a blog post on his website last week about case expense funding, and we were so honored to have been mentioned. Ken Shigley is the immediate past President of the Georgia State Bar. Mr. Shigley is one of 18 Georgia lawyers who have earned double board certification in Civil Trial Advocacy and Civil Pretrial Advocacy from The National Bo...
Ken Shigley – Part Two – Trucking Litigation Expert
Click on the video to watch part two of Mr. Swanson’s recent interview with Ken Shigley, former President of The Georgia State Bar. Mr. Shigley is currently practicing in Atlanta, Georgia.
Cruise Injury Attorney Recognized as Certified Specialist in Admiralty & Maritime Law
Today we welcome a guest blog from the Law Offices of Charles D. Naylor.
Donna Jones, Senior Vice President.
Cruise Injury Attorney Recognized as Certified Specialist in Admiralty & Maritime Law
Charles D. Naylor, a Los Angeles cruise injury attorney, is now recognized by the State Bar of California as a Certified Legal Specialist in Admiralty and M...
Lance Sears Interview – Part Two – The Truth About Insurance Companies
Click on the video to watch part two of Mr. Swanson’s recent interview with Lance Sears of Sears & Swanson, P.C. in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Jim Orr Interview – Part Two – An Important Fentanyl Pain Patch Case
Click on the video to watch part two of Mr. Swanson’s recent interview with Jim Orr of Heygood, Orr & Pearson in Irving, Texas.
Simon Law Group Settles a Premise Liability Case for $930,000
Congratulations to attorneys Robert and Brad Simon, The Simon Law Group and their client on a recent $930k settlement!
The Simons’ client suffered a brain injury and broken bones after being viciously attacked in an unsecured parking garage following a party. The defendant hosts of the party claimed they were not liable when the owned premise and parking...
Majed Nachawati – Part Two – What is “YaAZ”?
Click on the video to watch part two of Mr. Swanson’s recent interview with Majed Nachawati of Fears | Nachawati, PLLC in Dallas, Texas.
Majed Nachawati – Part Two – What is “YAZ”?
Click on the video to watch part two of Mr. Swanson’s recent interview with Majed Nachawati of Fears | Nachawati, PLLC in Dallas, Texas.